We are a diversified family farming & ranching operation rooted 3 generations deep in east central Nebraska. It is our passion and mission to produce and offer highly functional genetics with maternal excellence and dependable performance at our annual private treaty production sale

ABout BluffSide Angus

Maternal Excellence. Dependable Performance. Bluffside Difference.

Bluffside Angus was started and is owned and managed by me, Mandi Neujahr, DVM, of Osceola, Nebraska and operated alongside my parents’ diversified farming and commercial cattle operation. Hailing from a commercial background taught me what is needed to keep cattlemen in business and I founded my seedstock operation on a commitment to producing seedstock that help our customers stay in business.

I began building a herd based on the observation that maternal function is the basis of a successful and profitable herd. The herd has been developed through disciplined selection principles based on production history/fertility, phenotype, structural correctness, udder quality, and fleshing ability while striving to balance these foundational maternal traits with the performance needed to produce profitable calf crops year after year. We know the calf crop needs to gain efficiently for their feeders. We strive to produce cattle that can work for various operations and their marketing strategies. This means females that produce year after year and calf crops that start with vigor, stay healthy, and put on pounds at the bunk. In 2021, the first embryos were implanted as a means to introduce the desired genetics to the program quickly. This allowed us to bring some genetics into the herd that would otherwise be completely unattainable. Some embryos have even been introduced into the commercial herd. A significant focus has been placed on investing in proven genetics from the get go. 

Today, the registered herd runs with the family's commercial herd and the registered herd will always be run in the same manner as commercial cows. Running the herds together ensures that my selection of registered stock is relevant to the commercial producer by holding them to the same standards as our own commercial stock. 

The “Bluffside Difference” starts with our cows…

…and is defined by our commitment, discipline, and management

Learn more about our herd management……

  • We have utilized some of the legendary female-makers in the breed. We stay the course with the traits that made Angus cows great and have worked for us over the years. We utilize AI and purchased embryos to introduce new genetics and embryos from our own ET program to ensure we preserve and put forward our best genetics. We try to travel to see new genetics so that we are well-informed about the genetics we incorporate for ourselves and our customers. You will hardly see us using the next hottest sire, but rather sires that have proven their worthiness. We have found this to be effective risk management, which will be passed on to our customers.

  • When selecting cattle for your operation, we feel it is important for you to understand where they come from so that you can make an informed decision regarding how they will work for you.

    We are located in  east central Nebraska, an area where diversified agriculture is prevalent. We may not run in the biggest range country out there, but our cattle are nevertheless expected to perform under the conditions and resources available.

    Performance on grass and mineral during the grazing season is what these cattle must achieve in order to remain in the herd; we truly strive to produce cattle who can do their jobs without excess strain on the pocketbook - something that has become even more important in recent times.

    Cattle primarily overwinter on cornstalks with supplemental protein and are fed supplemental hay when weather conditions require it.

    Maternal abilities are a must during calving, which occurs in the calving pastures and fields outside of prohibitive weather conditions. As such, calf vigor is a very important trait to our operation and, we believe, to the breed.

    We breed, select, retain, and market as breeding stock only those animals that have shown suitability to do what we need them to do in this environment. These cattle should work across a variety of environments due to our selection and development

  • We do not utilize creep feed, nor do we feed young breeding stock high-concentrate rations for extreme gains/weights because we want to provide you with breeding animals that can last for years without needless soundness or fertility problems. We have learned through experience that purchased young breeding stock that have been fed too hard can be less than satisfactory when they need to go to work, and we develop our animals to prevent this from happening when you purchase from us.  

  • As a veterinarian, a major part of my vision for a seedstock operation was to ensure our health program is to a higher standard, ensuring you buy breeding stock from us - NOT diseases or problem animals.

    The foundation herd and all recipient dams have been tested free of Johne's disease, and Johne's surveillance will continue in our herd.

    All breeding stock you will buy from us is BVD-PI tested free; don’t risk your hard work and livelihood to animals that aren’t!

    We also ensure that any breeding stock sold to you is appropriately vaccinated before you receive them. For breeding bulls, this means a foot rot vaccine, wart vaccine, and pre-breeding vaccine in addition to the typical health program. We focus on what some consider “the little things” because breeding stock are a big investment, and your success matters!

We understand how time-consuming and, at times, challenging it can be to select your genetic investments. We hope to help make it easier on you. Above all, we pride ourselves on openness and honesty about our cattle, because we know from experience that the stock you select today will influence your herd for years.

We want you to get the genetics you need. Our service goes beyond sales and we value feedback on how our genetics have performed for you. Our success relies on your success and we love seeing other cattlemen and women succeed with their herds because this is truly the greatest way of life and business there is!