Koupals B&B Real McCOY 2126
AAA 20470466

Real McCoy was our selection from the 2023 Koupal sale. He was a natural fit for our goals here. I had viewed the calf crop at Bud's in the Summer of 2022 and found the McCoy sire group to be very good; bull and heifer calves alike. Real McCoy flat out blew me away on sale day. He is one of the unique breeding pieces to be released this Spring, offering fresh genetics and all the right pieces to make exceptional cattle that are the market-topping kind! He is the real beef bull the commercial industry has been craving and a refreshing option for the purebred breeders. He is backed by a top-performing pathfinder dam who is a maternal sister to Koupals B&B Knockout-another top up-and-coming sire in the Koupal herd. Real McCoy offers added performance, ribeye, and unmatched female-making potential in a deep-bodied, wide-based, balanced and attractive phenotypic package. SEMEN IS AVAILABLE